About Me

How I become so obsessed with pickle

My Story

While growing up, I used to see my gramma & mom so busy making a different type of seasonal pickle(my favorite was Raw mango pickle back then)

From then, my love for pickles started.

But the main fascination started when I spent 4 years in the dorm room on my bachelor’s. What happens in the dorm is, Students from around the world share their cuisine. I discover each part of the world make pickle in different style and have a unique taste too. So, I started collecting all those awesome recipes in my Notebook around the world. Trying different pickle recipes on weekends was like my meditation.

Until the pandemic hit!!!!

Like others, I had lots of time. So started trying and posting those secret recipes on the blog.

That’s how Picklewiz started!

You can pickle Anything

I mean any veggies

Pickle is Delicious

Pickle has the power to make any dish flavorful.

Tons of Health Benefits

Yes, pickles are fermented food and have tons of health benefits.

My Favorite Pickle?

The pinkish Onion Pickle! I think I can eat them all day long!

Ancient pickle history
Indian/Bangali Hot Chili Pickle

Chili / Vinegar / salt

American Dill Pickle
Dill Pickle

Dill / Spices/ Sugar
